Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's chilly here today, so this might be a good recipe to try.



Tom said...

Hold the chilli, just bring the beer.. This sounds very nice Patty, We do a nice Beef and Ale Pies, with a nice rich gravy..

smilnsigh said...

Hi Patty. I'm here because "a little bird told me" that you have a Birthday coming, on Saturday. So I'm coming right over now, to wish you an early Happy Birthday.

Why don't I wait till the day? Because I'm 70 myself and don't remember things as well as I used to. -giggggles- This way, I've done my wishing, and know I won't forget. :-)


Lynette said...

Happy early birthday! I hope you and your family can get together to celebrate both of your birthdays in a great big way!