Saturday, October 27, 2007


Can't believe it, I'm 71 today.

Here is my story, I was born 71 years ago today. My baby book does not list the time, only that I came into the world two months early weighing in at 4 1/2 pounds, 18 inches long. According to my baby book, it sounds as though I wasn't fast cutting teeth, crawling, walking or talking. But hey, I did finally accomplish it. I was born to a child, my Mother did not turn 14 until I was two months old. And my poor Mom has worked all of her life, every since I was born, taking care of someone. What kind of childhood did she have? I love my Mom so much. Where was her Mother, but then, according to everything I have heard, my Grandmother was 15 when she had her first child. Believe me, when I was almost 20 before I had ours, I felt out of place. Just joking of course. I can't imagine anything worse then a child having a baby.

But here I am! I was also looking through my baby book, that doesn't have a whole lot of things in it, but it does show my weight and height until I was 4 years old. At six months I was 9 1/2 pounds and 26 inches long, at one year 18 1/2 pounds and 29 inches tall. How accurate any of these numbers are I don't know.

The day I was born, at home, my Aunt told me their old cat was also having kittens. So she was busy running from the bedroom to the kitchen. It was a chilly day, so after they got me all cleaned up, I've been told, they made me a bed in a large shoe box and sit the box on the oven door (standing open of course) of the old kitchen cook stove. I don't know, but I can only assume this is true. And now we all know what my problem is, THEY DIDN'T TURN ME OFTEN ENOUGH AND I'M ONLY HALF BAKED. Everyone have a great week-end.

This is me at nine months.

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Pat Lincoln


Anonymous said...

I like this post. I didn't see it when I first got up/ I hope you have a lot of visitors today. I love you.

Happy Birthday.

Kerri Farley said...

Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to you..... Happy Birthday dear Mrs Lincoln..... Happy Birthday to you....... And Many More!!!!!

Beautiful baby picture! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday Mom! Love you!

Merle said...

Hi Dear Patty ~~ I hope you have had a lovely day for your birthday and that there are many more happy years ahead. Thank you for your comments and I am glad you enjoy the jokes.
Take great care and have a happy celebration. Love, Merle.

Paul said...

Hey OldLadyLincoln - Greetings from Cape Town!

I hope you've been having a brilliant birthday and many years of joy ahead.

The story of your birth and family was pretty interesting - in a cardboard box you say? On a stove? Hectic, but quite clever of your Aunt.

Send regards to Abe, and pass my best wishes on for his birthday on to him - I think I missed his birthday a few days ago :o.

REENblack said...
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REENblack said...


I hope you have a wonderful day and get to spend it with the ones you love! You and your husband are adorable, I really hope to be like you one day! :-) The story of your birth is amazing...not many babies can survive being born that early with no NICU!

(I had my son when I was 15. I was lucky enough to have help from grandparents, finished high school on time--while working part time of course, and the best part of all? His daddy and I got married two years later. We had our second child after another year, he joined the military--best thing we could have done--and are still together and going strong! Almost ten years already! -It has been hard, but I'm sure like your mom, I wouldn't change a thing!)

99 said...

From Argentina, very happy birthday!!
I think that half baked is more tender...

Reenblack is right. You and your husband are adorable and I also hope one day my husband and me can be like you.
Have a great day!

(We sent you a birthday present through the Oldman´s email)

Sally said...

Happy, happy birthday! You and Abe are two of my fvourite people in Bloggersville!

Sally in Sydney.

Jo's-D-Eyes said...


I wish you both a great day,

many happy healthy wishes!!!:)

Have a great birthday!!!!!!

Also my happy wishes for your deares hus Abraham:)

JoAnn :)

Lynette said...

Happy Birthday, Patty, from Portland, Oregon. I think you're the only person I know about who can say that about being half-baked. What a hoot!

Gudl said...

Happy Birthday from me, too!
My Mom is the same birth year.
Have a great day. May God bless you.

Steph said...

Happy Birthday! What a cute baby you were!

Aura said...

Many Happy Return of the Day from Lisbon!!
I enjoyed reading you blog especially this story about you birth!
What a cute little baby you were in this photo. Thanks for sharing!

All the best!!

photowannabe said...

Happy Birthday Patty. Here's to many, many more.
Thanks for the peek into your beginnings. You are a fascinating read.

Tammy said...

Hello, I'm here from Miz Merle's to wish you a Happy Birthday! I loved reading about your baby history, very interesting. On inspecting your site I believe your Hubby has visited mine once or twice and that you are from Ohio as am I.

Thanks so much for including the info that you did about breast cancer in your side bar. My sister had to have a double mastectomy 2 years ago and is also on Femara for the rest of her life. I am adament about getting mammo's and also for supporting the site where I click each day to provide those that can't afford one with this life saving test! If you go to my site in my side bar you will see a link to the Gal to Gal virtual walk across America to raise funds for those diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. The walk will soon be over the last day of this month. But for $3 you can create a gal and support a great cause. Let me know if you were able to do it, I would love to look you up. I am Tammy N if you want to look me up on the site.

Sorry, I got so long winded...

You have a great Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Oh my gosh, I can't believe how young your mother was when she had you! But what a great job she did. :-D I hope you have a wonderful birthday.

Lizzy said...

Hi Patty, I haven't visited your blog before but I will keep an eye on it from now on.

Hope you have aHappy Birthday


Wanda said...

Hi Patty, I too am new to your post, although I have been a regular for a long time on your husbands. Just didn't connect that you had your own post. I love it so far, and I've only read 2 days.
My husband will be 70 on Dec. 14th, and he weighed in at 2 lbs. I'm sure he would have fit in a shoebox too.
So glad you both made it and are happy adults.
I'll be back for sure!

PS. I'm still laughing about the "bed sheets"!!! ((smile)) :)

Mary said...

Happy Birthday from Ontario, Canada. I hope it was wonderful!

The story of your birth is awesome. I'm glad you decided to share it. I believe that you may have been put on the oven door in a shoe box. That is the way they kept tiny creatures warm in those days. However, I don't agree that you are half-baked.:-)

Loved visiting your blog. I arrived here through Merle's blog. Take care and I wish you many more birthdays to come.

Janet said...

Happy birthday! You did really well to arrive two months early 71 years ago. Even today, with NICUs and all the medical intervention, many babies have life-long problems. You were one tough youngun'! Congratulations!

pusa said...

dear patty, happy birthday! i feel like i've known you and abe reading your blogs and as i've said in his post i wish you two will live longer to enjoy each others company! such a delight seeing two people still in love after so many many years, quite a lifetime.

great story of your childhood and thanks for sharing the halfbake

Carraol said...

Happy Birthday from Mexico City. The story you told us about your birth is very interesting. Congratulations and many more!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Patty and thank you for sharing the amazing stories of the women in your family. Your mother was obviously very caring and loving of her little first born, regardless of her age. Loved the Halloween gag - and love your blog. This is my first visit but I'll be back ...

Wayne said...


Happy Birthday! Thank you for sharing your story with us. It is a heartwarming read.

I have only been visiting your husband's site for a short while, but cannot miss the deep love he has for you. It was that brightly shining love of his, for you, that made me want to 'meet' you.

Thanks, again, to both of you for the wonderful, warm, loving presence you bring to the 'web.


WichitaKsDailyPhoto said...

Happy birtday! from Wichita, Ks. If you are an excellent baker, it could have to do with being introduced to the warmth of the oven at such an early age. Neat story.

Jilly said...

Patty, so sorry, I missed your birthday - remembered Abe's missed yours! And he'd told us, so no excuse.

I'm sure it was wonderful and you are blessed indeed to have such a marvellous family and they, of course, are blessed to have you.

Love the cute photo of you as a baby. My goodness, babies born two months prematurely must have had little change of surviving in those days. You obviously decided you were here to stay!

Sure you had a great day and here's a belated Happy Birthday!

Jilly (Menton (south of France) and Monte Carlo (Monaco) xxxx

Unknown said...

Cute post! Half baked? Maybeeeee!

Denton said...

Happy birthday Patty ... Your story and reflection is interesting. I suspect it was the norm for children to marry and have more children. In fact my wife and I married early (although not that early). And on reflection we did a much better job with our second child's baby book than we did with the first ... Congratulations on the children you raised and the long loving marriage you set as an example for the world.