Wil, I'm sure it was staged to see what the other people might say or do, and it looked like no one told the man about his pants. But thought it was funny, when several of them got up from the bench and the woman with the man with the hole in his pants, pulled that velcro apart and made it sound like fabric ripping, they were all trying to check to see if it was their pants.
Of course it was staged! It was always the same man. It must have been something like candid camera. I still think that the man must have been very brave to show his bottom.It is funny though!
I would love to see your reaction to that. I mean if it happened to you. Not me.
It must have been very embarrasing. I am happy that it didn't happen to me or my husband. This man probably volunteered.
Wil, I'm sure it was staged to see what the other people might say or do, and it looked like no one told the man about his pants. But thought it was funny, when several of them got up from the bench and the woman with the man with the hole in his pants, pulled that velcro apart and made it sound like fabric ripping, they were all trying to check to see if it was their pants.
Have a great evening.
This is from a Canadian comedy show,"Juste Pour Rire" one of many (We are a funny peopleI Many of the US leading comics are Canadians.
This low grade gag humour is not my kind of comedy, It takes all kinds.
Of course it was staged! It was always the same man. It must have been something like candid camera. I still think that the man must have been very brave to show his bottom.It is funny though!
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