Sunday, August 24, 2008

You have to have faith

The Heart

"Tomorrow morning," the surgeon began, "I'll open up your heart..."

"You'll find Jesus there," the boy interrupted

The surgeon looked up, annoyed "I'll cut your heart open," he continued, to see how much damage has been done "

"But when you open up my heart, you'll find Jesus in there," said the boy.

The surgeon looked to the parents, who sat quietly. "When I see how much damage has been done, I'll sew your heart and chest back up, and I'll plan what to do next."

"But you'll find Jesus in my heart. The Bible says He lives there. The hymns all say He lives there. You'll find Him in my heart."

The surgeon had had enough. "I'll tell you what I'll find in your heart. I'll find damaged muscle, low blood supply, and weakened vessels. And I'll find out if I can make you well."

"You'll find Jesus there too. He lives there "

The surgeon left.

The surgeon sat in his office, recording his notes from the surgery, "...damaged aorta, damaged pulmonary vein, widespread muscle degeneration. No hope for transplant, no hope for cure. Therapy: painkillers and bed rest. Prognosis:, " here he paused, "death within one year."

He stopped the recorder, but there was more to be said. "Why?" he asked aloud. "Why did You do this? You've put him here; You've put him in this pain and You've cursed him to an early death. Why?"

The Lord answered and said, "The boy, My lamb, was not meant for your flock for long, for he is a part of My flock, and will forever be. Here, in My flock, he will feel no pain, and will be comforted as you cannot imagine. His parents will one day join him here, and they will know peace, and My flock will continue to grow."

The surgeon's tears were hot, but his anger was hotter. "You created that boy , and You created that heart. He' ll be dead in months. Why?"

The Lord answered, "The boy, My lamb, shall return to My flock, for He has Done his duty: I did not put My lamb with your flock to lose him, but to retrieve another lost lamb." YOU!

The surgeon wept.. The surgeon sat beside the boy's bed; the boy's parents sat across from him. The boy awoke and whispered, "Did you cut open my heart?"

"Yes," said the surgeon.

"What did you find?" asked the boy.

"I found Jesus there," said the surgeon

Author Unknown - Celebrate Jesus in 2008
If you aren't ashamed to do this, please follow the directions listed below:

Jesus said, "If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you before my Father.."

I Am Not Ashamed. Pass this on only if you mean it.

"Yes, I do Love God. He is my source of existence and Savior. He keeps me functioning each and everyday.

Without Him, I will be nothing
Without him, I am nothing,
but with Him I can do all things
through Christ that strengthens me."
(Phil 4:13)

This is the simplest test If you Love God, and are not ashamed of all the marvelous things he has done for you. Send this to ten people.


Wanda said...

Pastor Don and I decided not to go to church today...we were both tired, and we hardly missed a Sunday in 47 years of ministry...

I came thinking I would get a smile, and itstead, Patty you have given me the sermon I missed at church this morning.

Thank you Pator Patty!!!

Love and Hugs

Wanda said...

Sorry, Patty, I can't even spell "Pastor" this morning!!

Thank you for this inspiration today.

Renie Burghardt said...

Beautiful, Patty. Thank you for sharing it. I will copy and paste it and send it on to some friends.

Have a good night. God bless!



Merle said...

Dear Patty ~~ Beautiful story Patty
about the Heart. I would like to post it after a while if you don't mind. Thsnks so much for your comments, glad you liked the three women having lunch. The girls and I have a very nice time together, as we do once or twice a tear. Glad you liked the photos, and it was good to have Geoff do the work he did. I am hoping to post later, but have been busy. I have a huge casserold in the crockpot Steak and Kidney, which should be yummy. I will do some veggies tomorrow.
Take great care, my friend. Love
Merle. Sleep well.