Monday, September 22, 2008

How appropriate for Fall

"Time to Get Life in Order"...

"I woke up this morning, and this summer's gone," is more than the a play on words of a classic rock song from Boston. It is the change of seasons, the change from the carefree days of summer (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere), the change from camp to School, the change from beaches and mountains back to the city and suburbs, and the change from Off Season back to season.

But the biggest change is psychological. There is a hidden energy, barely perceptible, that comes with Labor Day and the beginning of Fall. It's the energy of creativity, of building, of learning. As we move from the summer reading of entertaining beach novels to self-help books, we energetically move from relaxed mode to growth mode. This is the way things were deliberately created, as seasons have different divinely given energies.

So now is the time for all of us to take stock of our lives, and re-energize ourselves for the growth and building ahead. Don't just let the Fall season come and go without taking the 40,000 foot view of your life. Take a long hard look at your life and focus on where you would like to be in 3 months, in 6 months, and in a year.

Don't sit back and expect things to just happen. Make them happen. Whether it is going back to school, taking an adult-ed class, really getting in shape, meeting new people, growing spiritually, learning how to actually use a computer, finishing up your building project that is 3 years old, taking care of your already extended tax filings or dealing with an annoying medical condition, the time to act is today. So get a pad of paper - sit down and write down what you will do, and come back in 3 months, and see how you did.

Reminding you that every day you delay in starting to grow, is one less day you get to experience the clarity and joy of having grown.

For anyone wondering if I wrote this, no I didn't, I received it in my e-mail, like I get most of the things I post. But I found it interesting and thought others might also.


Carl H. Sr. said...

Good Morning Patty,I just learned how to put myself on your'friend-follower' list. It was finally just a click away. I had tried before.
Speaking of growing,my baby girl is fifteen years old today. I made her favorite breakfast.Hog jowls and pancakes.
I read your blog every day,even though I don't always comment.
Thanks for sharing.

Reader Wil said...

All the same, Patty these are wise words. Something we need every day! Have a great week!

Gigi Ann said...

Yes, those are things to ponder over.
Now what will I put on my list? Hmmmm....still thinking.

raccoonlover1963/Lisa Myers said...

Great post Patty. I definately fall into the category of finishing projects that are 3 years old. Mine isn't quite that old. Mine is a year old. My neighbor gave us an old chest of drawers, and it is still sitting in the garage, with only the top stripped clean. There are several old layers of paint on it, and very hard to remove.

Jack and Joann said...

I have always thought that September ushered in the new educational/inspirational year of growth. Good post. When I can catch my breath this week I will have to take that long look at my life. Right now I'm reviving from three sets of houseguests that came for a wedding in Virginia.

Anonymous said...

Nice post to read and think about.

Renie Burghardt said...

Great post, Patty. I do find myself re-energized in the Fall. Actually, I am starting a new writing project that I'm very excited about. My deadline is December 31st, but there is a lot of writing I have to do by then. Summer is over, time to get to work again!

Hey, have you been watching Dancing with the Stars? I have it on still. How about that Chloris Leachman? An Oldie but goodie, to be sure!

Have a good night, Patty!



Merle said...

Dear Patty ~~ Good post about keeping our eye on the good things we do in life
and looking to the future. You always find such good stuff.Thanks for your comments and it was lovley to have some family visitors and it is nice that they never pass this way without calling even if only for a cuppa. I may give that top another go, it's very loose and I look pregnant!! Take care my friend, and I hop you are sleeping well. Mostly I do, but have odd nights when I don't.
Love, Merle.