Friday, September 12, 2008

I'm bad

You are invited


Now a picture of Mr. & Mrs. 'The Doctor'

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Their kids won't have to sneak a peek at Playboy.
They can just flip through the wedding album.


Gigi Ann said...

That is unbelievable !!! What was he thinking? Oh! I do believe I know what he was thinking~~~

Anonymous said...

With jugs like that she will need a back brace pretty soon.

The Mulligan Family said...

Ok, THAT was hysterical. Does that girl OWN a mirror? If my mother had had her way, my first wedding invitation would have looked remarkably like that. Fortunately I only lived with that mistake for a short few months. (WHAT was I thinking?)

Mothers are almost always right... I know that now... and especially now that I am a Mother myself! Have a great weekend. Cindy

Diane said...

The cup over flows...oh, my...

Wanda said...

Now I know Love is Blind!!

Renie Burghardt said...

Shocking! Hahaha.

I don't know where you find these things, Patty.

I was going to show it to Greg, but I decided not to. LOL.

Have a good night.


photowannabe said...

Good grief......too funny but weird too.
Her cup definitely runneth over. Yikes!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Too funny, the invitation!

No one told her about that dress?


Angie at Home said...

Maybe he was thirsty... I mean... milk does a body good.

Libertine said...

She chose that gown to keep attention from her ugly face.

It seems to be working if you look at the groom's eyes.