Monday, March 02, 2009

This is cute~

Read all the way to the end!

Did I like nut another to it send do to better anything have doesn't that person a like this reading time sweet your took you since.


(Now read it backwards )

Have a great day


Marian Dean said...

Gosh! that is really amusing. My brain straight away wanted to read it backwards, what does that say about me? David says I have a peculiar brain as I can do anagrams and cryptic crosswords with no problem. It does come in useful though.

Love Granny

DeniseinVA said...

That's hilarious!!! Thanks for the smile. We woke up to a good heavy snow this morning, it's actually blowing sideways. The first heavy snow of the winter.

Jinksy said...

'Fraid I read it backwards to begin with - there is no hope for me...

Margaret Cloud said...

What a kooky looking face, made my smile for the day.

Anonymous said...

I am trapped and happy to read.

Gigi Ann said...

Well this nut is still laughing! ;)

Reader Wil said...

Yes this is fun! Thanks Patty!

Tomate Farcie said...

Ah, pretty clever! People who come up with these things have a lot of time on their hands ;)

Sister--Helen said...


Nancy said...

Once I started reading it, I knew then something was up, so I right away started reading it backwards. And that poor baby...isn't it something what they can do with computers? LOL

((( HUGS )))

Sunny said...

That's funny! :) Smiles, am so tired as I've been trying to catch up on all my blog faves!

Gotta go make supper now.

Hope you have a nice evening, Patty!

Femin Susan said...

soo good about you...very interesting...i have saved it now i may play the trick..

Renie Burghardt said...

What a tricky thing to post, Patty. Hahaha. Very funny.

Have a good night.


Tom said...

Good morning Patty.. sorry I've not commented for a while but I have been popping by for my laughter fix.... this post was even harder to read this morning as I seem to have mislayed my glasses.. ha!

Give my regards to Abe... and I send you a big hug..

PS I have ducks on my blog today... these are female... tomorrow I'm showing the males. The last time I took pictures of these I remember sending you a few pictures of them. Hope you have time to pop by.