Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I got too panicky and couldn't do the MRI. They tried two different machines, first one was really a long tube, second one was a shorter tube, but couldn't stand feeling my own breathe hitting the panel over my face. Plus I was going to have to lay there for 30 to 45 mins. It about killed my spine getting off the hard table. They told me to tell my family doctor I need a sedative before I set up another appointment. As far as I'm concerned, forget it. When Abe was at his arthritis doctor last week, he made an appointment for me for the 12th of March. I will keep that and see what he has to say. He's suppose to be one of the best in the area.


Charles said...

No, they are No fun. I have had several. They gave me sedative the 1st time. That have to squeeze me in; I have tried some that i didn't fit in. And what's worse is when they do it for my brain, they have my head in like a football helmit. Then it sounds like a jackhammer for 45 min. If you flinch, they have to start over.
Norma had one done recently, but she said never again. Enjoy

Carole Barkett said...

Oh my gosh, I would have failed too. I had no idea they were so awful.

Clytie said...

I have had at least 4, though I only remember 2. I have an excuse now to put off future MRI's - a metal stent in my heart! I have to carry a little card at all times that explains I'm not to be put under that magnet unless it's life-or-death. If I did have to, though, I'm in luck because my hospital is one of just a handful in the country that has what they call an "open MRI" - no tubes, just a huge open ring.

Terra said...

That sounds difficult to have an MRI; if they offer you a sedative that might make it do-able.

Shionge said...

Sorry I have been late in reading this but I hope all went well Patty.

Take care and best regards to Abe ya ;D

Sister--Helen said...

Thyey always were ok to me but my son in law was set to have one Thursday and could notstay in the tube..