Saturday, October 17, 2015

GOD Bless America!

Cheers....Strange facts about US - did you know?

The following are some strange facts about America that most Americans would be shocked to learn…
( Maybe more than you can assimilate in one evening!! )

#1 In more than half of all states in the United States of America , the highest paid public employee in the state is a football coach.

#2 It costs the U.S. government 1.8 cents to mint a penny and 9.4 cents to mint a nickel.

#3 Almost half of all Americans (47 percent) do not put a single penny out of their paychecks into savings.

#4 Apple has more money than the U.S. Treasury.

#5 The state of Alaska is 429 times larger than the state of Rhode Island . But Rhode Island has a significantly larger population than Alaska does.

#6 Alaska has a longer coastline than all of the other 49 U.S. states put together.

#7 The city of Juneau, Alaska is about 3,000 square miles in size. It is actually larger than the entire state of Delaware .

#8 When LBJ’s “War on Poverty” began, less than 10 percent of all U.S. children were growing up in single parent households. Today, that number has skyrocketed to 33 percent .

#9 In 1950, less than 5 percent of all babies in America were born to unmarried parents. Today, that number is over 40 percent .

#10 The poverty rate for households that are led by a married couple is 6.8 percent. For households that are led by a female single parent, the poverty rate is 37.1 percent .

#11 In 2013, women earned 60 percent of all bachelor’s degrees that were awarded that year in the United States .

#12 According to the CDC, 34.6 percent of all men in the U.S. are obese at this point.

#13 The average supermarket in the United States wastes about 3,000 lbs of food each year. Meanwhile, approximately 20 percent of the garbage that goes into our landfills is food.

#14 According to one recent survey, 81 percent of Russians now have a negative view of the United States . That is much higher than at the end of the Cold War era.

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