Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Real Star

This needs to make headline news...not some of the other junk that makes the news these days!!! Like the Rosie O' Donell war of words...celeb weddings...who's not wearing undies...etc. To read a heart warming story.
Click Here


Tom said...

What a story, I read it with a tear in both eyes, one tear for the sadness of the childs story aand one tear of pride for the man who now comforts her.

Ha! Patty.. You and Jane have the same knack of bringing out the best in me.
I skip over stories like this as I don't like knowing other peoples hardships.. it's not that I don't care it is because I find them up setting. Yet I know your posts will make me think, make me feel, make me sad, make me happy, but most of all make me realise how well off I am.
Cheers Patty

REENblack said...

I have a hard time watching the news because they choose what they want the public to see. There are so many Americans out there that have no idea some of the GREAT things our military has done for people in these countries we are currently at war with. Thank you for sharing!

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi dear Patty,
I did not read the heartbreaking story to e honest, just want to thank you for your heartwarming holiday wishes!

:) Missing you & your blog,
I am back from my short trip to Soth of Italy, thanks for 'not forgetting me' I postes an overview of picturesfrom my holiday , soon more... Have a great sunday!!!

Greetings JoAnn

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

No one doubts the capacity of compassion by an individual American soldiers.

How much better if the US was not lead into the war crime of an aggressive war and occupation which has laid a society waste and killed over l million Iraqis.

It is an outrage!