Monday, October 22, 2007

Good (Monday) Morning

Little Ms Audrey's Halloween party was very nice. I was given the towel Melissa was cross stitching and was going to use as a prize. Here is a photo of what it looked like once it was completed. Click photo to make it larger.

Audrey enjoyed playing the hostess, giving instructions for the games and etc. She will make a good Teacher, Mother and or Wife someday.

Tomorrow I go see a doctor about my knee, it has really been bothering me this month. I still think it's the Femara I am taking for the breast cancer, and it's causing old Arthur to act up more then it had been. Oh the joys of growing old. Ha!Ha!. But then I see some people older then me and they don't look or act like they have any joint problems, so perhaps not all older people do. I just assume since I do everyone else does.

Later in the week we're having our privacy fence on both sides replaced. Once done we'll have to take some photos and post. We decided not to replace along the back of the yard, it still seems to be in really good shape. But the fence on both sides seems pretty bad, only problem is, we put this up years ago, and we were able to put the good side facing us, once it's replaced, we have to get a permit and the good side will be facing our neighbors, even though they won't be asked to pay anything towards the fencing. What I like is the idea, we'll have tall gates also, that we can lock from the inside, that will be nice. We have two neighbors yards that come up against us on one side and one neighbor on he other. But I love a privacy fence. Eveyone have a fanastic week.

Leaving you with a little Golf Story:

An elderly couple was sitting around one evening and the man says to his wife, "Marsha, we are about to celebrate our 60th wedding Anniversary. We've had a wonderful life together, full of contentment and blessings. But there's something I've always wondered about. Tell Me the truth. Have you ever been unfaithful to me?"

She hesitated a moment, then said, "Yes, Sidney , THREE times."

"Three times? How could that happen?" Sidney asks.

Marsha replied, "Well, do you remember right after we were married and we were so broke that the bank was about to foreclose on our little house?"

"Yes, dear, those were really difficult times," replied Sidney.

"And remember when I went to see the banker one night, and the next day the bank extended our loan?"

"Gosh, that's really hard to take," said Sidney . "But since things were so bad at the time, I guess I can forgive you. What was the second time?"

"Well," Marsha continued, "do you remember years later when you almost died of that heart problem because we couldn't afford an operation?"

"Yes, of course," said Sidney .

"Then you will remember that right after I went to see the doctor, he performed the operation at no cost?"

"Yes, I remember," said Sidney , "and as much as that shocks me, I do understand that you did what you did out of love for me, and I forgive you. So, what was the third time?"

Marsha lowered her head and said, "Do you remember when you ran for President of your golf club and you needed 62 more votes?"


Anonymous said...

The towel is beautiful.

Tom said...

I agree with Abe, the towel is a beauty, more so for because it was made by hands you know.

Love the golf joke.. that 1 under par for sure

Melinda said...

I think having to put the good side out for the neighbors is absurd!