I had just finished working at Huston's Restaurant at the other end of town and in walks Abe. He was home on leave visiting his ill Father. That was the first I had seen him in about three years. I had lost track of him. At one time he was my current boyfriend's best friend. My current boyfriend who I had liked from the 8th. grade was in the Air Force and before he left, he thought we both should date others. You see I assumed we would get married as soon as I graduated, I was in my Senior year. And as far as dating others, I found out later, he had been doing that all along. He would take me home, and then go meet some other girl that was allowed to stay out later.
So when Abe asked if he could drive my girl-friend and me home, we said yes. Since my girl-friend's house was the first stop, and she was already engaged, I was the next stop. I often tease Abe and asked him, what if I had been the first stop and what if she hadn't been engaged would he have asked her out? He says he would have still asked me out.
Also while I think about it, another girl in my Senior class had received a note from him, he was with a bunch of guys from Gordon at a place called Toby's Drive-In at Greenville, so he sent a note on the back of a waitress order pad sheet with a boy that was in our class. She and I had been friends (not close friends, but friends) all through high school. She was one of those girls that developed (body wise) quite early. When we were in the 8th. grade she was wearing bra's and I'm sure it was at least a "B" cup, I was still going braless I had nothing to put into a cup. LOL. Abe was a sophomore, he would write her notes. He had a crush on her. She showed me the current note, he was asking her if she would like to go on a date with him. At the time she was dating this one particular fellow and was expecting to receive a diamond. I told her, what ever she did was up to her, but if she truly loved this guy she was expecting a diamond from, she might want to think twice about accepting Abe's invitation. Because I was sure if her current (soon to be engaged) boyfriend found out about it, he might drop her like a hot potato. Little did I know a week later I would run into him.
By the way, my friend and her husband had (I think) three children and then divorced. She married one more time, and that also ended in a divorce. I have lost track of her, have no idea where she is or what she is doing. Last time I saw her was at our 20th. class reunion
When we got to my house Abe asked me if I would like to ride up to Greenville. Since it was a Saturday night and early, I said sure why not. Greenville was a hopping town on Saturday nights. LOL We had a circle we could cruise around and all the kids seemed to do that. I wonder now why, but back then it was just some safe fun.
Then he took me home and asked if I would like to go out to the movies the next night. Battle Cry was on, so I again said sure, why not. LOL The rest is history. Because on April 1st. Abe gave me a diamond.
To see some of the things that went on in the 50's take a look back in time by CLICKING HERE
wow mom.....you remember a lot of details! I have never heard this story until today. hum...wonder what other stories you have tucked and hidden away???
love you!
I love this story!
I'm always interested in how people met.
My Mom was waiting for another to come back when she met my Dad. And it was love at first sight.
Your's is a love story right out of a movie....
Many more happy years of married life to both of you!
Thank you so much Patty for sharing those memories! The video with the fifties music is very wonderful. Strangely enough I didn't like rock and roll at the time, but now I can appreciate it very much. We hadn't TV yet but we often went to the movies.
Great story. I love to read about anything from the past and especially love stories like yours! I could really identify with the cruising around. I grew up in a very small town and there was nothing else to do. No movie theater, no where really for young people to get together. A dollars worth of gas took us for a whole evening of cruising.
That was fun reading how you two met and a love affair begin....I also enjoyed taking a look back at the '50's' I remember almost everything they showed us in that clip. That was a fun stroll down memory lane.
Oh My! That video from 50's was just wonderful! Tears to the eyes/ha. Wasn't it fun?
Don't know if previous comment made it or not ----that 50's video was just wonderful,,tears to the eyes,,,I haven't thought about Sky King in so long!
Wasn't it all so much fun?
So Shiok lor :D
Young love... well that was a popular song too, and it applies to your sweet story. You had sort of a whirlwind courtship. I enjoyed it and will now go and have a nostalgic visit to the fifties. My favorite decade. I came to America, and life was good.
Have a good night, Patty.
You have a sharp memory Mrs. Lincoln! :)
My mom still hasn't told me exactly how she met my dad, but they also met in the 50's (early 50's I think).
Thanks for the time travel with that cool website. That Chevy 1957 was really some car!! Wouldn't be able to park it anywhere today or put gas in it, but I sure would love to drive it down the street just once!!
There was a drive-in not far from here about 25 miles North of San Francisco up until about 10 years ago. Not sure it's still around anymore.
Thank you very much for sharing the story with us. I thoroughly enjoyed this post! :)
How I love to hear your love story, and how long it has endured...
Blessings on you and Abe...You are such lovely people.
PS I received my lovely card in the mail yesterday...
Thanks the little blue birds are darling!
What a great post Patty. So interesting to learn how you and Abe got together. Such a lovely story. Two very nice people found each other, a match made in heaven :)
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