Saturday, June 12, 2010

Rex Barker here with

"Heres to The Woman" sent in by one of our members...

Here's to the Woman...who knows where she's going and will keep on until she gets there...

Who knows not only what she wants from life, but what she has to offer in return...

Here's to the Woman... who is loyal to family and friends...

Who expects no more from others than she is willing to give...

Here's to the Woman... who guides and inspires not by quoting others philosophies but by living her own good example...

Who accepts both victories and disappointments with the same grace and can rise above life's challenges and move on...

Here's to the Woman... who gives the gifts of her thoughtfulness...

Who shows her caring with a word of support, her understanding with a smile, a woman who brings joy to others just by being herself...


myonlyphoto said...

Patty this is very nice post. So true, yet it is hard to believe that lot of woman these days are career oriented and forget to do that. Thanks for sharing. Anna :)

The Mulligan Family said...


Renie Burghardt said...

Lovely tribute to a woman! Enjoyed it. And I would have skipped the high school reunion as well. Who wants to go to all that trouble? Haha.

Have a nice evening. It was 95 here today. Thank God for air conditioning!


Reanaclaire said...

A woman is indeed special...

Good day to you, Patty..

DeniseinVA said...

And here's to you Patty for sharing this delightful post. Sorry I haven't been around for a while but I have enjoyed visiting today.

An English Girl Rambles.

Beth Niquette said...

Amen--this is who I want to be.

Twisted Fencepost said...

Here's to women everywhere. We are the backbone of this country!