Apparently the Orthopedist thinks it's more Arthur then anything else, plus he said I may have a tear in the cartilage. He gave me a shot in the knee. And I go back in four weeks so he can get a standing x-ray of both knees. I suppose to compare the two. I am so happy and thankful he didn't even suggest doing the surgery where they clean up/out the knee and double thank goodness he never even mentioned anything about a knee replacement. The thought of any kind of surgery now, just really had me feeling down.
Hope this web site will bring a smile to you face. Read, listen and enjoy.
Have a great evening. Here it is 4:30pm, raining, and a cool 48 degrees F.
Pat Lincoln
I was so happy that you are not going to have a knee replacement. I know it hurts but it is something you can live with. I hope that is what is wrong with my wrist.
Glad it wasn't anything too serious Mom. I hope the shot helps you.
Glade to hear you won't need bionic knee........Keep that smile on your face.
That is wonderful news! Congrats!
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